Constant force spring hanger is a device which puts invariable tension on the thing it hangs in limited displacement. 恒力弹簧支吊架是一种在限定位移内对被支吊物施以恒定张力的装置。
A close-loop control system including cutting process control was designed to accomplish adaptive control of constant force cutting process. 针对恒力切削过程自适应控制,设计了包括切削过程的闭环控制系统。
Constant Force is a quick utility for adding constant forces to a Rigidbody. 恒力是一种快速有效地给刚体添加恒定外力的方法。
The electric constant force hinge of the utility model has convenient operation and low cost. 本实用新型的电动恒力铰链操作方便、成本低廉。
Two coils move a piston back and forth magnetically at a constant force. 两组线圈在一个连续电磁力的作用下来回移动一个微型活塞。
The Motion of Charged Particle Acted Upon by Lorentz force and Constant Force 洛伦兹力和恒力共同作用下带电粒子的运动
Combined with the study of constant force grinding, a self-study method on fuzzy control rules in grinding process is suggested. 结合恒力磨削的研究,提出了一种基于磨削数据的模糊控制规则学习方法。
In this model, the authors established the integro-differential equation for the expected discounted penalty function at ruin in the case of constant force of interest. 就利息力为常数的情形,给出该模型下破产时刻罚金折现期望满足的积分-微分方程。
The control strategy based on constant force will result in an uneven chamfer for its characteristics in nature. 控制策略的基础上不断的部队将结果在粗糙的槽的特点大自然。
About this correlated aggregate claims risk model, the integro-differential equation and the Laplace transform for the expected discounted penalty function at ruin are obtained in the case of constant force of interest. 针对这类理赔相关的风险模型,本文就利息力为常数的情形得到破产时刻罚金折现期望的积分-微分方程和Laplace变换。
Relativistic motion of a particle acted by a constant force 恒力作用下质点的相对论运动
Shiu discussed the properties of the expected discounted penalty function at ruin in the case of constant force of interest, and from this obtained a lot of new results about the model. Shiu在经典风险模型下就利息力为常数的情形讨论了破产时刻罚金折现期望的种种性质并由此得到许多关于经典风险模型的新结论。
Key Points on Tension Rod Installation by Using shear Type Constant Force Tester 用剪式恒力仪安装拉杆须注意的要点
Curvilinear motion of a particle acted by a constant force in relativistic mechanics is studied. 研究在相对论情况下受恒力作用质点的曲线运动规律。
The calculation formulas for curve type or broken line type of bent tube rebound are put forward on the basis of constant force field and elastic limit rebound theory. 依据恒力场理论和弹性极限回弹理论,提出了曲线型或折线型的计算公式。
The study of constant force adaptive control for four rollers cold rolling mill 四辊可逆冷轧机恒张力自适应控制的研究
CONSTRAINED CONSTANT FORCE CONTROL OF END MILLING PROCESS Relativistic motion of a particle acted by a constant force 有约束数控铣削恒力控制恒力作用下质点的相对论运动
In study of constant force grinding, a calculation method, which could calculate frequency range of frequency feature parameter automatically, is presented based on generic algorithm in this paper. 本文结合恒力磨削的研究,基于遗传算法提出了一种可自动地确定测试信号频域特征参数频率计算范围的方法。
Parameter selection, constant force calculation and calculation process diagram are detailed. 详细论述了恒吊参数的选取及恒定度的计算,给出了计算过程流程图。
The New Type of Constant Force Balance Mechanism for Passenger Car Windows 均衡运动中的科里奥利力客车车窗新型恒力均衡机构
According to the motion index of the platform, the models of electro-hydraulic servo valve, constant force variable pump, servo pneumatic cylinder, displacement sensor etc are selected, the simplified schematic and installation drawing of hydraulic system of motion platform. 根据转台的运动指标,选取了电液伺服阀、恒压变量泵、伺服液压缸和位移传感器等的型号,完成了转台液压系统的原理图和实际安装图。
It is requested to adopt constant force hanger in order to avoid the dangerous bending stress and its stress transfer in ductwork. Therefore constant force hanger has widespread usage in industry. 为了避免管道系统产生危险的弯曲应力及不利的应力转移,要求采用恒力支吊结构,因此恒力吊架有着广泛的用途。
A device which can produce constant force on the air-track is introduced. It overcomes the unfavourable factors existing in currently used device. 在气垫导轨上所进行的实验中,都需要有一个恒力作用于滑块上,本文介绍一种在气轨上产生恒力的设备,这种设备克服了以往常用气轨设备的不利因素。
A new micro constant force displacement sensor with micro and constant measurement force is introduced. It can realize the measurement of bullet marks without damage on the surface of sample bullets. 该系统采用了一种新型的微恒力位移传感器,该传感器具有测量力小且恒定的特点,因此,可以实现对弹头表面痕迹的无损测量。
Its success of constant force optimized design based on MATLAB greatly reduce cost and shorten process periods so that it presents reference for spreading such new technology as modern design technology and computer technology in order to promote quality in mechanical manufacturing. 同时基于MATLAB的恒力吊架的优化设计制造成功,为大力推广现代设计技术、计算机技术等新技术提高机械产品的质量,降低成本,缩短生产周期,提供了技术上的借鉴。
Computer Control System of Constant Force Writing 恒力书写仪的计算机控制系统
The paper analyses the limitations and side effects of common occupant restraint system, describes the advanced techniques of occupant restraint system such as seat belt with force-limiter or constant force retractor and airbag system with multi-inflators. 分析了普通乘员约束系统在乘员保护方面的局限性和负面作用,介绍了多级气体发生器和安全带限力装置等乘员碰撞保护系统的先进技术;
Approach and research on spring with constant force 恒力弹簧的探讨与研究
In the past, the analysis of muscle fatigue has been restricted to isometric, constant force contractions due to the limitation of signal processing technique. 在过去由于受信号处理技术的限制,对肌肉疲劳的评价仅局限于肌肉等长、恒力收缩。
System, there are two experimental approaches: one is fixed frequency to a constant force load test; a sine sweep signal through the loading mechanism to find the resonant frequency, then resonant frequency of the loading experiments, such experiments to compare the energy conservation. 系统有两种加载控制方式:一种是定频率以恒定作用力控制加载;一种是通过正弦扫频信号寻找加载机构的谐振频率,然后以谐振频率进行加载,这种试验方式比较节约能源。